Symposium and Forum Coast Bordeaux 2017: The book of Abstracts

From the 7th  to the 10th of November, 2017 was held at the University of Bordeaux the international Symposium Coast Bordeaux 2017 which coincided with the 17th Franco-Japanese Symposium of Oceanography. This event, jointly organized by the SFJO and the CNRS, brought together more than 250 participants from 11 countries. The Japanese delegation with 33 people was one of the most important and participated in the various events organized: pre-symposium tour, symposium and forum.

About 150 papers were submitted (keynotes, oral communications, posters). Some of them will be compiled in the Proceedings of the Symposium, which will be published by an international publisher in the course of 2019.

This event has been subsidized by many partners:


The Aquitaine Region


The Adour-Garonne Water Agency


The University of Bordeaux

The IDEX of Bordeaux

The LABEX COTE (Bordeaux)

L’Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers (Bordeaux)

The University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour

The MIRA Research Federation

The FREDD Research Federation

The French Agency for Biodiversity via the Natural Marine Park of Arcachon

The SASAKAWA Foundation

The professional organizations CNPMEM and ARA-France

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Book of Abstracts