A new thematic issue of the AcclimaTerra Association on Renewable Energies.
The AcclimaTerra Association has just published a new thematic report on Renewable Energies in New Aquitania: Issues and Perspectives.
This review has two main components, one on mitigation, i.e. all the actions that make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of anthropogenic origin, and the other on the multiform adaptation of our society and our economy to the changing climate.
The assessment of knowledge on renewable energies from an energy and ecological transition perspective in New Aquitania, presented here, concerns mitigation; but it should be borne in mind that these two dimensions are increasingly linked. Thus, with regard to hydroelectricity, which is not specifically addressed in this report, the availability of water resources, and therefore the filling rate of dams, is a major factor in the relevance of this mode of production. Similarly, in electric mobility, which is set to develop, high temperatures above 35°C make the equipment (charging stations, for example) more fragile.
The world of climate change is also a world of increasing complexity, and it is the role of scientists to try to decode this complexity for policy makers and citizens.
Despite its sometimes technical developments, this booklet on renewable energies contributes to this by highlighting the potential of the various decarbonised and renewable energy production sectors in our region. Thus, among the renewable energy sectors, onshore wind power, photovoltaics, geothermal energy, bioenergy and hydrogen are considered and put into perspective with regard to the effects of climate change in this report ».
Edito Professeur Hervé Le Treut Président d’AcclimaTerra (extrait)