The Proceedings of the 18th symposium of the French-Japanese Society of Ocenography Japan are available on the scientific review »La Mer ».

The 18th French-Japanese symposium on Oceanography was held at the Maison Franco-Japonaise in Tokyo, both in face to face sessions and by videoconference, on 19 October 2021. The theme chosen was « Oceanography for the Future We Want: Transformation of the Society in the Changing Sea« .

Given the health conditions in 2021 (Covid19), French participation was reduced. Only the Vice-President of SFJO France, Dr Yves Hénocque, was able to attend, but many contributions were made by videoconference.

This 18th symposium was followed by the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the SFJO Japan on 20 October 2021, a celebration which was planned for 2020, but which has been postponed due to the impossibility of travelling to and meeting in Japan for health reasons.

The 60th anniversary celebration was marked by the presentation of a commemorative medal to the SFJO Japan, donated by the SFJO France, and by the presentation of Certificates of Merit by the SFJO Japan to different French and Japanese personalities.

The link to download these proceedings is at the following address: