Between Nature and Culture: SFJOs France and Japan wish you an happy new year 2019
New Logo of SFJO Japan
SFJO Japan has just changed its logotype. Herewith the new logo, Not to use without their express permission.
Participation of Yves Hénocque, Vice President of the SFJO in the Maritime Dialogue between France and Japan – Mission Report.
Dr. Yves Hénocque, Ifremer scientist and Vice-President of the SFJO, gives us some informations on this meeting and the main decisions taken. mission report
The Dialogue between Japan and France – Tokyo, 13 and 14 December 2018
The 13rd and 14th of December 2018 were held at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation Building, Tokyo, Minato-ku, Toranomon 1-15-16 – 笹川了平ビール, 東京都、港区、虎ノ門 1-15-16,, the dialogue between Japan and France to enhance…
Franck Lagarde’s thesis defence – SFJO secretary general
Franck Lagarde, Ifremer scientist and SFJO secretary general defended his thesis, Thursday the 29th of November 2018 at Sète (Ifremer biological station) on: « Ecology of the reproduction of the Pacific…
Launch of the « Exploration France » program
This program is for researchers from Japanese organizations. The call for projects can be downloaded from the following address: In French https://jp.ambafrance.org/Lancement-de-l-edition-2019-du-programme-Exploration-France or in Japanese https://jp.ambafrance.org/article13722
Professor Yasuyuki Koike, Counsellor of the SFJO, appointed to the rank of officer in the « Ordre National du Mérite »
Professor Yasuyuki Koike, Counsellor of the SFJO, was appointed on 22 January 2018 to the rank of officer in the « Ordre National du Mérite ». This distinction rewards the Professor Koike’s…
2019 Call for proposals from the French Embassy in Japan: Program Japan Exploration
The new 2019 call for projects from the French Embassy in Japan has just been published. The application form is available. The program supports scientific projects of researchers, working in …
French Embassy report on the Biodiversity in Japan
French Embassy report on the Biodiversity in Japan supervised by the Technology and Science Department and the Regional Economic Department. http://socfjp.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Rapport-Biodiversite-Japon.pdf
Madam Kumiko Uehara’s retirement
Madam Kumiko Uehara, from the Department of Science and Technology at the French Embassy in Japan and interpreter took a well – deserved retirement. A long-time member of the French-Japanese…