Ostrea Kollection supports French-Japanese cooperation
The company « Ostrea Kollection » created by Mr Christophe Brossaud was strongly inspired by the oyster farming history of the Arcachon basin and the graphics of Japanese stamps. From 100% French…
Mission in the Seto Inland Sea (From the 25th of February to the 5th March 2023)
This mission had been scheduled shortly after the 17th Franco-Japanese Symposium of Oceanography (COAST Bordeaux 2017 – Evolution systémique et de la biodiversité des environnements côtiers et littoraux sous la…
The National Movement of the Struggle for the Environment: MNLE (Mouvement National de Lutte pour l’Environnement)
A communication by Charles -François Boudouresque, member of the SFJO Scientific Council written jointly with Brigitte Berland, Jean-Claude Cheinet, Christian Pellicani and Michèle Perret – Boudouresque. The MNLE created in…
A happy New Year 2023
Happy new year from the French-Japanese Society of Oceanography. After several years of Covid-19 we are resuming the series of Franco-Japanese symposia and forum in presential. The next symposium, the…
A new thematic issue of the AcclimaTerra Association on Renewable Energies.
The AcclimaTerra Association has just published a new thematic report on Renewable Energies in New Aquitania: Issues and Perspectives. This review has two main components, one on mitigation, i.e. all…
First announcement for the 19th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium
The 19th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium: « Coast Caen 2023 » will take place at the University of Caen in October 2023 and will be linked to an international symposium on the main…
A new Scientific Committee at the SFJO
The scientific committee of the SFJO France has just been profoundly renewed. Researchers from the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (Dinard/CRESCO), Ifremer (Brest, Sète, Corsica), IRD, EPHE, the University of Aix Marseille…
Yoshinori Okahara is nominated Director of the Tokyo office of the Renewables Consulting Group
Yoshinori Okhara, a specialist of the Offshore wind farms, is nominated at the head of the Tokyo office of the RCG. https://www.energiesdelamer.eu/2022/01/28/rcg-nomme-y-okahara-pour-guider-la-croissance-de-leolien-offshore-au-japon/
The book « Protecting Marine Biodiversity », by Professor Alexandre Meinesz, has just been published by the Editions Odile Jacob
Alexandre Meinesz, Professor Emeritus at the CNRS UMR 7035 « ECOSEAS » laboratory has just published : with the following Table of Contents:
Night of Ideas on the topic : « The Sea and Us »
This year, the Night of Ideas will be dedicated to the theme « The Sea and Us » and in this context, the Franco-Japanese Institute and the French Embassy in Japan will…